Sunday, February 17, 2008

The benefits of dairy food

Nutritious dairy products:Dairy products are nutritous - but avoid the full-fat options. Milk and its products are excellent sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals - most particularly of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth.

The varieties of milk:
Although cow's milk is the most common in the UK, sheep's and goat's milk are available too, as are plant based sustitutes such as soya milk and rice milk. Cow's milk is processed in a variety of ways to create products that vary in nutritional content and storage capability. Fat content is one of the most important distinctions, varying from whole or full-fat milk (which contains 3.9% fat) through semi-skimmed (1.6%) to skimmed (0.1%).

Since products based on whole milk are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, it's a good idea to moderate your intake. You can reap the same benefits, however, by choosing lower fat varieties
that still contain all the important nutrients of whole milk without its fat saturated contents.

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